Sunday, January 28, 2007

Joe To Hell

Lieberman proudly proclaims his loyalty -- to his own high-mindedness:

"I'm going to do what most independents and a lot of Democrats and Republicans in America do, which is to take a look at all the candidates and then in the end, regardless of party, decide who I think will be best for the future of our country," Lieberman said Sunday.


Speaking of which politician he may support in 2008, Lieberman said, "Obviously, the positions that some candidates have taken in Iraq troubles me. Obviously, I will be looking at what positions they take in the larger war against Islamist terrorism."

He added, "I am genuinely an independent. I agree more often than not with Democrats on domestic policy. I agree more often than not with Republicans on foreign and defense policy."

The senator said he wanted to select someone "I believe is best for the future of our country. ... Party is important, but more important is the national interest. And that's the basis that I will decide whom to support for president."

What a dick. Seriously. Central to his cultivated veneer of Serious Policy Guy is the imputation that his fellow Democrats have not put forth their own ideas, that they have not addressed the very real problem fanaticism in Islamic countries seriously.

Lieberman should be forced to explain exactly how and why he clearly still agrees with a manifestly failed foreign policy. Instead he continues to trash his own party, rather than helping work with and publicize the very real ideas and plans coming from his own side of the aisle.

This is ridiculous. Of course, most sensible people at least theoretically put country before party (though there are plenty of Republicans who will never, ever vote for the Party of the Clenis, so make of that what you will). But this is a clear case of the two coinciding -- the Republicans had Congress for twelve years, and the White House for six, and what have you got? Failure and power grabs everywhere you look, and not a goddamned thing to show for any of it.

If that is the legacy Lieberman wants to be a part of, then he should do us all a favor and jump parties, and become the running mate/anchor to McCain or Giuliani. Just slip out the back, Jack. Make a new plan, Stan.

Hop on the bus, Gus. Just fucking go already.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, it's galling, and patently transparent. I assume he's humping legs for a running-mate position or cabinet post or some such, and they're welcome to him. The guy's a fuckin' electoral albatross anyway.
