Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Molly Ivins

Molly Ivins has passed away, and in a time when most of the opinion-mongers we read, see, and hear have allowed themselves to be compromised by the people they're supposed to cover objectively, she deserves credit. She wrote and spoke about the people and issues which drive Texas and the entire country with a truly rare combination of wit, grace, intelligence, and integrity, and her insight will be sorely missed.

On the other end of the spectrum, soul-sucking creatures like Robert Novak will probably outlive my future grandchildren, provided he stays clear of garlic and mirrors.


  1. Too bad. Why doesn't breast cancer happen to Texans like DeLay. We could use a few tumors in their man-boobs.

  2. Well, since DeLay is all boob, it could strike him pretty much anywhere, but yeah, a little gynecomastia (sp) would serve him right.
