Thursday, January 25, 2007

The Object Of My Affection

These authoritarians do not deserve to be free. Their fondest wish is to worship their protective totem, and ban all criticism. Good, because he's about to be hung around their collective necks for at least the next generation.

This is the dribbling fool these hacks are staking their reputations and their supposedly sacred honor on:

In an interview, Pelosi also said she was puzzled by what she considered the president's minimalist explanation for his confidence in the new surge of 21,500 U.S. troops that he has presented as the crux of a new "way forward" for U.S. forces in Iraq.

"He's tried this two times — it's failed twice," the California Democrat said. "I asked him at the White House, 'Mr. President, why do you think this time it's going to work?' And he said, 'Because I told them it had to.' "

Asked if the president had elaborated, she added that he simply said, " 'I told them that they had to.' That was the end of it. That's the way it is."

Bad enough that they're monarchists at heart; what's infinitely worse is that their king is a first-grader.

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