Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Beck Stops Here

How is it exactly that clowns like this, or Nancy Grace -- carnies who make Tweety Matthews look like Theodore Roosevelt in comparison -- stay on the air? Are there really people so completely empty-headed that they don't know better, yet instead of just vegetating in front of Supernanny, they try to "edify" themselves with shit like this, or the Falafel Factor?

Christ. How many "little Limbaughs" do these morons need, anyway? And while we're at it, extra props to the "Headline" "News" "Network" for keeping it on the air, some sort of affirmative-action program for the mentally challenged, I guess. They're engaged in a race to the bottom with their parent network CNN, and should overtake Fox just in time to help with the ritual smearing of the Democratic nominee next year.

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