Thursday, February 01, 2007

Bros Before Hos

I know we're not supposed to care about the sex lives of politicians, and I actually think Gavin Newsom has made a decent effort in San Francisco, but the kind of guy who fucks his best friend's wife is a whole 'nother matter.

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom's re-election campaign manager resigned Wednesday after confronting the mayor about an affair Newsom had with his wife while she worked in the mayor's office, City Hall sources said.

Alex Tourk, 39, who served as Newsom's deputy chief of staff before becoming his campaign manager in September, confronted the mayor after his wife, Ruby Rippey-Tourk, told him of the affair as part of a rehabilitation program she had been undergoing for substance abuse, said the sources, who had direct knowledge of Wednesday's meeting.

Rippey-Tourk, 34, was the mayor's appointments secretary from the start of his administration in 2004 until last spring. She told her husband that the affair with Newsom was short-lived and happened about a year and a half ago, while the mayor was undergoing a divorce from his then-wife, Fox News host Kimberly Guilfoyle, said the sources, who spoke on condition they not be identified.

It's just classy with a capital "K", is all. And, you know, from what little I know third-hand of the "making amends" step, I believe that doing no harm in the process of fulfilling that step is paramount. I could be wrong, but this whole damned story is wrong.


  1. Hey, you want another story from the former Confederacy?

    Around seven or eight years ago, I had the unfortunate experience of working with two brothers for a few months. Every stereotype about inbred trailer-trash you can imagine, in the flesh.

    They had an older brother that they set up and turned in on some drug charges so that the youngest could steal his girlfriend. Then - oh yeah, it gets better - they were shopping the story to Jerry Springer in hopes of getting on the show, apparently a major goal in life. Needless to say, they were bragging about this, which is how I know about it (and just for a fun trivia bonus, the middle brother once proudly proclaimed Reagan to be the greatest president ever). I really don't know how people this stupid don't just forget how to breathe.

    Back to this story - aside from the scumminess of it, I have to admit that the name Ruby Rippey-Tourk just cracks me up. It sounds so damn...perky.

  2. Jesus, that's awful, but unfortunately not surprising. I mean, we have yokel tweakers here too (man, do we ever), but usually they confine their lurid behavior to getting blowjobs from random bag ho's, if one is to believe the local media.

    Which is bad enough, but setting up your own brother just to get his girlfriend, that's some low shit.
