Sunday, February 25, 2007

For Your Consideration

I don't normally post too many pictures of hot chicks, and frankly, I think that's a damned shame. Plus, I need to decompress (not to mention shower vigorously) a bit after reading up on people (and I use that term loosely) such as Pat Dullard Dollard, and I assume you do too.

So to commemorate Oscar® night, enjoy a nice photo of Penelope Cruz (who's not exactly on my "to do" list, but still fairly hot) and her even hotter sister, courtesy of Hollywood Tuna:

¡Viva las chicas!


  1. I think I saw her in a Barely Legal video. Could be why she's keeping a low profile.

  2. Really? You think she's that young? I assumed 25-ish.

  3. You may have seen me link to this at TBogg's yesterday, but if not, here you go. Hot chicks to look at and dorky guys to make fun of - how can you beat that?

  4. Yeah, I have seen that site before, but your comment was a great reminder. I put it on the blogroll. Great stuff. Thanks for the heads-up.
