Saturday, February 03, 2007

Winning The War

Here's the latest from Junior's Folly -- which, remember, his latest cockamamie scheme to win this will work because he says it has to:

BAGHDAD, Iraq - A suicide truck bomber struck a market in a predominantly Shiite area of Baghdad on Saturday, killing at least 82 people among the crowd buying food for evening meals, police and hospital officials said.

The attacker was driving a truck carrying food when he detonated his explosives, destroying stores and stalls that had been set up in the busy outdoor Sadriyah market, police said.

The late-afternoon explosion was the latest in a series of attacks against commercial targets in the capital as insurgents seek to maximize the number of people killed ahead of a planned U.S.-Iraqi security sweep. Officials said at least 82 people were killed and 152 wounded.

In the northern city of Kirkuk, eight bombs exploded within two hours, beginning with a suicide car bomber who targeted the offices of the Kurdish Democratic Party of Massoud Barzani, leader of Iraq's autonomous Kurdish region, police said. Two people were killed in the first explosion, which devastated four nearby houses.

Nobody claimed responsibility for the attacks in the oil-rich region, but concerns have been raised that insurgents have fled north to avoid the impending crackdown in Baghdad.

Yeah, there's just no way this can't work out swimmingly, while the esteemed legislators work out competing "No, you're the bigger pussy" non-binding resolutions. Feel the successmanship!

In other news some turd burglar made a fucking fool of himself, and naturally got paid. I think we'd be hard-pressed to find a more egregiously direct exercise of pure, wanton gluttony and excess, conjoined with mindless jingoistic grunting. Hey, at least the little Japanese hot-dog weirdo didn't win, right?


  1. Wing Bowl has grown into a massive event drawing a large, beer-soaked crowd and barely-dressed strippers to the Wachovia Center.

    Hey, remember what I was saying about cynical misanthropy, the uphill battle, and all that? Well, fuck it. I'm done. Sisyphus was a stupid tool who should have kicked back in the shade with his heels up after telling Zeus to grease up that boulder and ram it in sideways.

    This shit makes me hate this country sometimes; I can only imagine what kinds of feelings it instills in people who probably don't see that much food in a month when they hear of it.

  2. Let’s see, a story about some well known figure’s gluttony for a worthless goal and somebody eating too many chicken wings. Right?
