Saturday, February 17, 2007

Your Tax Dollars At Work

Well, looks like the debate over whether or not to have a debate has been, um, debated.

Republicans blocked the U.S. Senate on Saturday from considering a rebuke to President George W. Bush's Iraq troop buildup, but lawmakers vowed to continue waging a bitter struggle over war policy.

For the second time in two weeks, Republicans senators halted progress on a nonbinding resolution opposing Bush's recent decision to send 21,500 more troops to Iraq. The U.S. House of Representatives passed the resolution the day before.

Christ, what a cynical, soulless circle-jerk this whole thing is. They can't even talk about whether or not they should talk about it. That makes sense.

"The Senate is not done with this issue," he added. "The Senate will keep trying to force U.S. President George W. Bush to change course in Iraq."

Really? Is that a direct quote? Because if Harry Reid actually speaks like that, he'd better be intending some irony there, or I'm going to have to pimp-slap him.

Republican senators vowed to block all similar measures unless Democrats promise to also allow consideration of a proposal forbidding a cutoff of funds to U.S. troops.

Balls to the wall, or not at all. Either the Democrats realize that they will have to (rightly) justify defunding the extension of this clusterfuck, or they play into the Republicans' grimy, blood-stained hands. It really is that simple.

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