Thursday, March 29, 2007

According To Jim

You know, just the fact that the Redneck Pope has a problem with Fred Thompson not being Christian-y enough -- not even as good of a Christian as Newt Gingrich, if you can believe that motherfucking bullshit and I'm sure you can -- actually makes me have a little grudging respect for Thompson.

Of course, that will quickly fade as one of two things (or, more likely, both) happen: Thompson has to genuflect before the little douchebag to get some evangelove; and Thompson turns out to be little more than a CPAC stalking horse to keep the kids from jabbering too much about the unelectability of their current front-runners, or the utter paucity of actual ideas not based on comic books or Ayn Rand fever dreams.

Even better, someone actually steps in and defends Dobson, apparently confusing Dobson's right to speak his mind with the rather despotic wielding of his unelected influence. There's nothing to confuse with "Christianity" or even "conservatism" here. Gingrich made haste to kiss Dobson's ass and seek his benediction; Thompson's been a bit slow on the draw(l), seeing as how filling Paul Harvey's sans-a-belts for a lunar month has got to be about the most mind-numbing experience this side of watching Dennis Miller scrounge for work.

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