Friday, March 02, 2007


So early this morning I'm perusing the paper, with one eye on the ever-present crawl, which "informed" me that Anna Nicole Smith, at long last, would finally be planted in the Bahamas. Newly edified with this empowering bit of information, I mention to the wife, "Now, wouldn't that be a pisser if they pre-empted regular programming to show the funeral procession, as if she were Gerald Ford or something?".

Sure enough, flipping through channels a few minutes ago, I stop on reputed news network MSNBC to find -- live coverage of Smith's funeral procession. Yeah, I have no idea why more and more people are beating on these media fucks for clogging the airwaves -- the people's airwaves, mind you -- with this nonsense.

I can't help chicken-egging this atrocious phenomenon one more time. Either the media have been collectively and irretrievably leveraged by corporate humps with the express mission of turning us into drooling morons, or we are already there, and they're just giving us what the market majority wants.

Either way, not only are we royally fucked, but we probably deserve to be.

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