Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Motorhead - Stay Clean

This is a great clip of one of the best songs by one of the best bands on the planet, period. I wanted to go old school and find the No Sleep Till Hammersmith version, but this one is actually a lot better. These guys are not fuckin' around. This will cure what ails you.

I saw them at a fairly small (300-seater or so) club in 2001, about three weeks after 9/11. Everyone was pretty much in a fuck-or-fight mood that night, and Lemmy, after shooting pool and drinking beers with the locals (including myself) in the downstairs bar for a couple hours before the show, comes out and announces the start of the show with "We are Motörhead -- and we're gonna change yer fuckin' outlook." And goddamned if they didn't do exactly that. Seriously, an utterly fucking amazing band.

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