Saturday, March 03, 2007

Operation Yellow Elephant

Mike Stark notices the elephant conspicuously absent from the hallowed CPAC hall of lame:

Something else these folks have done well is turn out the new generation of wingnuts. The average age of the attendee here has got to be below 30 - there are literally thousands of College Republicans moving about in Brownian style from exhibit to exhibit, conference to conference, speaker to speaker, ballroom to ballroom.

Exhibit hall is stuffed to the gills. Freedom Alliance. Blogger's row. Heritage Foundation. American Spectator. Clare Booth Luce Foundation... the Koch group... Regent University. Several candidates have booths. Oddly enough, even the ACLU has a booth (even if they are placed in the back corner furthest from Exhibit Hall's entrance).

Oh... but there's one notable - striking, even - absence.

There are no military recruiters here. No United States Marine Corps. No Army, no Navy, no Air Force or National Guard - hell, not even the Coast Guard is here. Thousands and thousands of College Republicans, but not a single recruiter in sight...

For people who never tire of lecturing the betters on the utility -- hell, the necessity -- of war without end to combat the spread of islamojihadifascismexpialidocious (provided, of course, that it doesn't affect our ability to consume), they sure don't seem too eager to stop the keg stand and follow their own loopy exhortations.

1 comment:

  1. x-posted comment from Pottersille:

    Speaking of able-bodied College Age Chickenhawks, who refuse to serve, like Rudy Ghouliani's son Andrew, who needs to work on his golf game, instead of enlisting in the Army that his Dad "supports", Doonesbury covered this last June with this series:

    Enjoy, and pass it on.

