Thursday, March 01, 2007

U-Haul Spice

Some say the end is near, some say we'll see armageddon soon.
I certainly hope we will; I sure could use a vacation from this bullshit,
three-ring circus sideshow of freaks here in this hopeless fucking hole we call L.A.
The only way to fix it is to flush it all away.
Any fucking time, any fucking day.
Learn to swim, see you down in Arizona Bay. -- Tool, Ænema

If the intellectual rigors of Trading Spouses and Deal Or No Deal are wearing you down, maybe watching someone who is famous for no particular reason move her shit from one house to another house is more your speed:

When Victoria Beckham moves to town, the momentous event will be recorded for television by the creator of "American Idol."

NBC has signed a deal for six episodes of a half-hour unscripted series chronicling the former Posh Spice's relocation from Europe with her soccer-star husband, David, who has signed to play with the Galaxy team here, Daily Variety said Wednesday.


How a celebrity transfers her support system, including publicist, stylist and personal assistant, to a new town will be a focus of the show, which also is expected to include her shopping for items like a home and car, Variety reported.

The only way that watching a pneumatic tanorexic do-nothing is going to be in the cards is if she takes her clothes off. (Even then -- bad helmet, bro-ham.) Since they can't go in that direction, I assume there will be some sort of stunt casting with comb-forward narcissist Donald Trump. Can't hardly wait.

I realize I'm irretrievably out of the loop here, but I still cannot grok even the basic concept of people being entertained -- or even distracted -- by watching assholes move. That's a special kind of dumb.

1 comment:

  1. I realize I'm irretrievably out of the loop here, but I still cannot grok even the basic concept of people being entertained -- or even distracted -- by watching assholes move. That's a special kind of dumb.

    It's the future, buddy!

    I wonder if either Beckham kicks anyone in the balls?
