Friday, March 02, 2007

Urine Good Hands

This is how we support our wounded veterans:

The Army fired the head of Walter Reed today, and the new guy who's taking over until they can hire a permanent replacement is Kevin Kiley, the same guy who reportedly let a soldier sleep in his own urine, and refused to lift a finger when he was notified by the wife of a GOP congressman who had witnessed the horrifying scene.

This is a guy who only one week ago implied that the problems at Walter Reed were nothing more than a pack of lies. So he's the guy now in charge of fixing the non-existent problems.

Words literally fail me; I cannot express how utterly contemptible I find this. It's probably because I have a sinus blockage that feels like it's about to blow out the left side of my face, but still. What the hell is wrong with these people?

1 comment:

  1. Wait a minute, you didn't actually expect them to do something smart did you?
