Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Axis Of Weasels

Of all the worthless, cheap stunts we see politicians pull with stunning regularity, McCain's little shopping trip is one of the lowest in recent memory. This is all a crass ploy to try to legitimize McCain's careless characterizations of "safe" neighborhoods in Baghdad.

So he proves his point exactly how, with gunships, helicopters, and a security detail of 100 soldiers, some of whom secured the area beforehand? Is McCain really so delusional that he thinks this somehow supports his idiotic contentions, or is he so far beyond cynical that it just doesn't matter anymore? Apparently both, and it's utterly contemptible.

Equally as contemptible is Matt Drudge who, as if trying to illustrate the point I made just the other day, fabricated and circulated a quickly-disproven lie that poor ol' Straight Talk got hisself heckled by that meanie Michael Ware. Naturally, when the video disproved Drudge's useful calumny, he and the rest of the Dolchstosslegende propagandists said nothing, as if anyone expected anything differently.

Whether the story was factual was beside the point for them; the entire (and I do mean entire) point for them is merely to discredit and declaim anyone perceived to be in opposition -- or even just not gung-ho enough for their liking. All most of them have ever been in the first place is liars, authoritarian cultists of the lowest order. Getting caught just means finding something else to pull straight out of their asses, and they never run out.

What's really strange about all this is that McCain thought it would do him any good with anyone. He's been a few degrees behind the arc for quite some time; he's stuck now with carrying the Bushies' water, even though their mojo's long shot and they can't stand him anyway. But his craven tacking to the right has all but eliminated his mainstay independent vote.

McCain is truly in a pickle of his own creation -- not enough of a fellow traveler for the extra-chromosome diehards, too much of a gutless opportunist and closet authoritarian to bring back the non-aligned middle that idolized him a mere half-decade ago. Too bad, so sad, don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.

And this assclown, while it's nice that he's having his come-to-Jesus moment (oddly, just as he finally has some actual skin in the game), it's too little, too late. We're gonna need more than a nice publicity blitz to convince us, doubting Thomases that we are these days.

Till then, as Roy once so poetically put it, you made your bed, Hoss -- now die in it.

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