Sunday, April 29, 2007

Slam Dunk This

When Tenet has the scruples to return his Medal O' Freedom, then maybe we'll listen to what he has to say. Till then, I have hands; I don't need self-serving public officials to jerk me off.

And in that context, it is at least somewhat entertaining to watch Condi Rice scramble from green room to green room, desperately trying to flood the proverbial zone all by her lonesome. I mean, who the fuck else can they put out there at this point? Big Time? Doug Feith? Steve Hadley? Shit, you might as well just put Fredo himself up there and let him do his Rorschach-free-association babble. So that leaves Rice, madly spinning like a top.

"Look, not everything went right," Rice said. "This is a very difficult circumstance. There were some things that went right and some things that went wrong. And you know what? We will have a chance to look at that in history. And I will have a chance to reflect on that when I have a chance to write my book."

"Look, not everything went right." Understatement of the century thus far, I'd say. And what "some things" precisely "went right"? Specific examples, please. No doubt "removing Saddam" would be at the top of their list, despite the horrible price paid.

And gee, it's great to know she's working on her memoirs as well. Exactly how many trees should be utterly wasted, so that these fools can try to cover their asses? Just put it out in two-ply.

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