Thursday, April 12, 2007

So It Goes

Can't say a whole lot about Kurt Vonnegut that hasn't already been said throughout the day, but just to add to the encomia, his wit and wisdom are much appreciated and sorely missed. It is something that Vonnegut and Molly Ivins, two of the remaining beacons of common sense and decency in political discourse, have both gone in the past couple of months. Perhaps it is God's little joke that we be left with shitheads like Limbaugh to tell us what's what. That would be a good laugh, for a being who doesn't have to deal with the fallout.

Two important things I learned from reading Vonnegut starting in junior high: People are morons, but it's better to revel in (and reveal) their absurdities than to simmer in contempt of their manifest stupidities; and the earth, no matter how much we ruin it by trying to control it, is smarter than we are. It is the rational counterpart to our irrational selves.

Something has to be.

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