Thursday, April 19, 2007

What They Stand For

Just doing a little random surfing, and came across a friendly reminder from the past of who the leading conservatard lights were and are:

"These are the same chicken hawks who vote against defense all the time," House majority whip (and de facto speaker) Tom "the Hammer" DeLay said last week about the Democrats who support air strikes in Yugoslavia. "Not only is their president getting us in a mess, but he's undermining our military." DeLay's fervid rhetoric carried the day; even though his protégé, House Speaker Dennis Hastert, voted to support the air strikes, the House vote ended in a 213-213 tie, which of course meant that it had withheld support for the air strikes.

This was, of course, the same mighty bug-hunter who shirked his own duty because of reverse discrimination. Like the cockroaches he used to exterminate, DeLay seems tough to get rid of once and for all. Thankfully he's got Cousin Eddie Russert and friends to give him occasional teevee appearances, even still. Can't imagine what would happen if they suddenly got decency standards.

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