Friday, April 06, 2007

Your Librul Media

Let's face it, Matt Lauer is a hack:

In his first question, Lauer claimed Pelosi has gotten off to a rough start because of criticisms from a baseless Washington Post editorial, Vice President Cheney, and the conservative editorial pages of the Wall Street Journal:


With his second question, Lauer asserted that “a lot of people think [Pelosi] messed up on this one,” and then asked “what’s the impact for the Democrats overall?” Lauer never mentioned the fact that five Republicans — Reps. Frank Wolf, Robert Aderholt, Joseph Pitts, David Hobson, and Darrell Issa — visited Syria this week.

Who's "a lot of people", Matt -- Rush Limbaugh and his oxy dealer? Seriously, the only people I have heard bitching about Pelosi's visit are the usual gang of buffoons who normally infest our radio and cable carny-news outlets. I think Lauer owes his viewers some detailed insight on exactly who this "lot of people" happen to be.

If it's the predictable list of cartoon characters parading through the circle-jerk chat shows, who gives a shit? I expect Newt Gingrich to hypocritically bitch about these things; I stupidly expect supposed professionals like Ponyboy Lauer to have enough goddamned sense to keep it straight. Seriously, pal, way to afflict the comfortable. Go interview a moonstruck Sanjaya fan or something. The actual adults will just have to hash this out among themselves.

Christ, some days I really just loathe the very existence of some of these assholes. They are nothing but bugs on the windshield of common sense and intellectual honesty.

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