Sunday, May 06, 2007

Back At The Ranch

So now the Afghan Army has some rogue elements too?

KABUL, Afghanistan - An Afghan soldier shot and killed two U.S. troops Sunday outside a top-security prison being revamped to house Afghans transferred from the Guantanamo Bay detention camp, a U.S. military spokesman said.


The shooter also wounded two U.S. soldiers.

The Americans were working as mentors to Afghan troops providing external security for the prison, Smith said. U.S. and Afghan authorities were trying to determine the motive for the attack, he said.

"All indications are" that the shooter was a member of the Afghan National Army, the post-Taliban force trained mainly by the American military, Smith said.

"The ANA are our partners here and they are working side by side with us in conducting this investigation," Smith said.

He said the U.S. soldiers were in two vehicles when they were shot.

We'll see what the details are, when they finally release them, but this pattern of steadily increasing tensions in Afghanistan seems to be getting lost in the shuffle of much of the mainstream news coverage. This deserves more attention; it's so much more indicative of epidemic failure and hubris than the action-figure-codpiece pictures (though I guess not as visually handy).

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