Saturday, May 19, 2007


So lately we've been taking quite a few (well-deserved) runs at our good friend John "Poor Ol' Straight Talk" McCain. It has not gone unnoticed that POST was the only debatee last week to be enough of a grown-up regarding the use of torture. Perhaps if Mitt Romney or Mrs. Doubtfire Rudy Giuliani had spent some time in a tiger cage, instead of up their respective asses, they would be grown-ups too. But they are content to cater to the yahooism that underwrites Republican candidacies. POST deserves some credit for bucking this trend, at least rhetorically.

Now, it appears that POST's infamous temper is becoming more thoroughly covered in the press.

Apparently, McCain accused Cornyn of raising petty objections, and Cornyn accused McCain of having dropped in without taking part in the negotiations. "F**k you! I know more about this than anyone else in the room," McCain reportedly shouted. Paul Kane added that McCain also "used a curse word associated with chickens."

Oddly enough, these outbursts are not terribly uncommon for McCain. Several years ago, Jake Tapper reported on an incident in which McCain got into a shouting match with Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). Eventually, a seething McCain told his GOP colleague, "You know, senator, I thought your problem was that you don't listen. But that's not it at all. Your problem is that you're a f**king jerk."

It's nice to see that when McCain finally faces reality and pulls the plug on his hapless windmill tilt, he'll do fine as one of these vituperative bloggerses Broderella is always whinging about.

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