Tuesday, May 08, 2007


I gots nothin' to say about America's favorite little parasite -- 'scuse me, socialite -- finally getting a little overdue splash of cold karma in the face. (Except, of course, for her hilarious excuse that she thought she was allowed to drive to, um, "work", whatever the fuck that was supposed to mean.)

But the ladies at Go Fug Yourself have a sublime hit piece on Miss Thang. Nicely done. It's just too bad the guillotine has gone out of style.


  1. So, do you think she'll be traded to a 250-pound black lesbian inmate for a carton of menthols?

    My prediction is, pretty much everyone in the slammer will rush to ingratiate themselves to this bitch, whom they probably genuinely admire, in a Helsinki-syndrome sort of way. Remember, the woman stayed so long on the covers of tabloids because someone buys that shit, rather then just browse it while waiting in line at the check-out.

  2. Of course I don't have a spare fuck to give for her, but everything I've seen about this reminds me of something I saw on a blog (Digby's?) around the time Martha Stewart went to jail: it's kind of sick how often people immediately start gleefully anticipating prison rape in cases like this.

    I don't really have a larger point to make, I'm just saying. Creeps me out.

  3. I wouldn't say, I'm hoping for that sort of thing, but I am largely indifferent to the prospect. For one, as Marius points out, it's much more likely that she'll be surrounded by people who want to suck up to her. It's not like they're throwing her in with a bunch of gang-banging lifers with nothing to lose (or gain). For another, she seems to be an abysmal excuse for a human being, who at least needs a good solid ass-kicking to set her straight.

    I agree with your basic point, though. Americans seem to think that the notion of prison rape is funny. I've never understood that. Eventually these people have to be returned to society in some sort of capacity. How do they think that someone who was abused under the system, with everyone from guards to civilians laughing at the prospect, is going to come out?

    Personally, I'm simply hoping Paris converts to Islam, just for what it would do to that mother of hers. Oh, the humanity!
