Thursday, May 03, 2007

The F Word

Let's get something straight. Glenn Beck is not a fascist. He's not smart enough to be one, for one. He seems content to be their lackey, which is close enough I suppose.

But for now, let's just consider him as someone who is fortunate enough (again, for now) to actually get paid to hoot and holler and throw his shit through the bars at the monkey-house. Actual monkeys only get paid in bananas and the occasional cigar; one assumes Beck gets at least the opportunity to use his silly teevee gig to chase some tail, and maybe even a nice company car to use. But that's the extent of it.

I mean, if people will sit through the toxic road-rage of people like Nancy Grace and Falafel O'Loofah, Culture Warrior, why not Beck? There's more prime-time cartoons that just what's on Adult Swim.

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