Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Ferret Face

Not sure what to make of Giuliani's apparent freakout on a ferret owner, other than that it sounded completely unnecessary. People tend to be sensitive about pet issues; this is not exactly a secret, though I have no idea what sort of unfortunate creature Rudy keeps as a pet.

A former friend from way back had a couple of ferrets. They are very friendly and companionable animals, though they need to be bathed rather frequently. Ferrets are illegal here in California also, though of course people keep them as pets anyway. My understanding of the law prohibiting them is that they are destructive to ecosystems and habitats, and judging by the number of regular domestic animals, mostly cats, that are routinely abandoned to fend for themselves by thoughtless assholes, it's not exactly a misplaced concern.

Back to Mrs. Doubtfire Giuliani. This radio eruption is not an anomaly -- it's what he's been known for since he was a U.S. Attorney. It's his temperament; he regards everyone as either an adversary or a crony, and treats them as such. There'll be more of this to come, I have no doubt; Giuliani certainly fits the mold of people who, the more you get to know them, the less you like them. He's an authoritarian bully who's sure to lard his cabinet with thuggish douchebags like Bernie "Fat Bernie" Kerik, given half a chance.

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