Friday, May 25, 2007

Opposition Position

As I remonstrated loudly enough the other day, it is not at all unreasonable to already be extremely irritated with the Democrats' level of and commitment to genuine opposition. There's no denying that certain cards are stacked against them, especially in the mean-girl media, typified perhaps by America's most superficial high-profile columnist, Maureen Dowd. (Yes, ClownHall's stable of morons are much more petty and retarded, but they aren't in the New York Times.) And many media meatballs are still cowed by the mighty bully pulpit of Kid 28%, which tells you all you need to know about them.

So no, it's not fair that Democratic congresspersons have to genuinely concern themselves with perhaps a calumnious portrayal, or the willingness of certain media nodes to simply transcribe whatever Karl Rove faxes to Matt Drudge. But unfairness does not absolve us from doing the right thing, or fighting harder, smarter -- and yes, meaner. They should understand by now that even if they "compromise" (that is, capitulate) to the Boy King, he will still lie and defame them. They did, and he did. That is the way the game is played; it's practically choreographed at this point. The newspaper is the libretto.

The Democrats have tremendous advantages, if only they are willing to use them. Facts and reality are huge advantages, even in a perception-driven sphere where, as Al Gore has admirably protested, reason has taken a long holiday. The only way to bring it back is to work at it, day in, day out. If you're worried about how you will be portrayed over the Memorial Day holiday, then maybe instead of simply punting on second down, you're better off sucking it up a little and forgoing the recess. How about that? Work through at least part of the break, making sure everyone knows that in times like these, the people's work is not taking a recess, so neither will you. (Easier said than done, I know; given the current system, "recess" is just a euphemism for a chance to do some fundraising. The money train never takes a holiday, and that's why the system is failing us so miserably.)

I figure if I'm going to rant and point out the usual fuck-ups, I should also throw some attaboys out there when they're due. And Russ Feingold has been a stand-up guy throughout, and wasted no time pointing out what a joke this compromise is. Ditto Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and the rest of the Democratic leadership who actually did stand up and vote no on this bill. Perhaps it was politically safe, given that there are always DINO chumps such as Ben Nelson to go off the rez and provide political cover for certain things of this nature. But in the end they voted the conscientious way, and that's what counts.

I don't want them looking to the "left" wing of the Democratic party any more than I want them looking specifically to the "right" wing, or the "swing" demo, for their cues on how to vote. It should be easy; a very clear and consistent majority of the American public has had their fill -- of the war, of Bush's inept handling of it, of Bush himself. It's not that complicated, and they don't need to over-think it.

And come September, when violence and death continues unabated, and Bush's only response is to tell reporters that there are Islamic boogeymen under the reporters' children's beds, so he should have his blank check for as long as he wants, we expect the Democrats to be ready, willing, and able to say "enough", and make it stick. Bush is still standing only through sheer muscle and gall, nothing more. He's a bully, and all bullies are punks at heart.

I think the Democrats would be genuinely surprised at how many people from across the spectrum will rally to their side if, instead of broaching these things tentatively and timidly, they address them with real passion. Bring a rigorous understanding and insistence on what needs to be done, how they can do it, and how Bush and his party have shown quite clearly that they either can't or don't want to set things right. Quit letting them take their game to you, especially since they don't really have one. Take your game to them.

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