Thursday, May 17, 2007

A Simple Plan

Dear Leader approaches his transparent dodge on the Comey-Gonzales allegations about as well as he does everything else that requires extemporaneous thought:

Bush was confronted about recent accusations made by former Deputy Attorney General James Comey regarding the White House’s shocking efforts to seek legal sanction for its warrantless wiretapping program. According to Comey, Bush personally directed a White House effort to bypass Comey’s authority and seek approval from John Ashcroft, who was then hospitalized and in intensive care.


NBC’s Kelly O’Donnell pressed Bush on this point. “Sir, did you send your then Chief of Staff and White House Counsel to the bedside of John Ashcroft while he was ill to get him to approve that program,” she asked, “and do you believe that kind of conduct from White House officials is appropriate?”

Bush twice dodged the question entirely. “Kelly, there’s a lot of speculation about what happened and what didn’t happen. I’m not going to talk about it.”

Look, Harvard, as you keep telling us peons just as condescendingly as possible, a simple "yes" or "no" will suffice. Either you did send Gonzales and Card over to Ashcroft's bed to twist his arm while he was doped up and recuperating -- an amazingly tacky move even by the already low bar set by these creeps -- or you did not. Everything's simple, and the American people have a right to know, right? That's what you keep telling us, Chief.

You know who could be really helpful in all this, if he wants to step up and demonstrate loyalty to country over party or former employer? John Ashcroft. Maybe someone should get his two cents on this little episode, which seems to be unraveling several sets of bullshit stories. Thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster that there were still a few stand-up guys like Jim Comey to counter the increasingly pathetic official narrative.

Of course, the way these clowns operate, it just means that Abu G replaces Wolfie at the World Bank, and some Regent U flunkie gets the nod for the AG slot. In the meantime, the pros need to ask someone in the loop every day about this little hospital visit, and keep a running tab of just how long it takes to get a non-evasive answer from the principal players.


  1. I found this at Carpetbagger's place, in April:

    A scary prospect came up on Meet the Press yesterday: Attorney General Orrin Hatch. Russert asked whether the right-wing Utah senator would be interested in the job. Hatch said it was unlikely, but added, “I would serve this country any way I could.” Pat Leahy added that the rumor on the Hill this week was Hatch was “actively running” for the gig.

    Like there aren't enough BYU and Regent grads cluttering up the DOJ.

  2. I can believe it. I've read that Hatch has wanted to be on the Supreme Court for years, so I suppose he'd settle for AG once Gonzales is finally thrown under the bus.
