Saturday, May 05, 2007

Slow Children At Play

So then I says to Malkin and The Perfesser, I says, "You know, it's about time we had ourselves our own little island, away from the islamojihadidhimmiriffraff." An' The Ole Perfesser, he just gives me that look and nods sagely. "Heh. Indeedy." It's like getting blessed by Elvis, man.

Fed up with their "Exterminate the brutes" hosannas getting laughed off of YouTube, it appears they (and if you don't know who "they" are, consider yourself lucky) have set up their own version, where you can get, unfiltered, all the truth that The Man Hitlery and her jackbooted PC thugs think you can't handle.

We'll see how long it takes them to figure out whether the wall is to keep the rest of us out, or to keep them in.

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