Saturday, June 02, 2007

It Was Forty Years Ago Today

I don't have the raging hard-on for them that some folks have, but I've always loved the Beatles, particularly Abbey Road. So I can respect the Sgt. Pepper's encomia right now, even though I've always been more of a We're Only In It for the Money kinda guy. (Though that massive, amazing piano chord at the end of A Day In The Life, a wonderful song to begin with, is still just as powerful as it was then.)

And having turned forty myself just last weekend, the day after what was supposed to be the original release date for my favorite album of that era, there is some level of kinship with all of that music, but for its continuing life and originality, not its sentimental frame of nostalgia.

So happy 40th Sgt. Pepper's, and happy slightly-belated 40th Are You Experienced? -- we all trudge on, older if not necessarily wiser.

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