Saturday, June 23, 2007

Plus Ça Change

Steve Benen catches Dear Leader in yet another logical inconsistency. Imagine that.

In November, after the election, CentCom commander Gen. John Abizaid rejected the notion of a so-called surge, saying that he "met with every divisional commander, Gen. Casey, the core commander, Gen. Dempsey" and asked them if bringing "in more American troops now, [would] add considerably to our ability to achieve success in Iraq and they all said, 'No.'"

Indeed, Bush fired Gen. Casey, in large part because he neglected to tell the president what he wanted to hear.

And yet, here we are, just a few months later, watching Bush brag about how his policy followed the advice of the generals -- which is "what you want your President doing." Please.

If Bush wants to reject the advice of top military leaders, that's his prerogative; he is regrettably the Commander in Chief. But he really needs to drop this I-listened-to-our-military schtick.

He does? Why on earth would he do such a thing? Because it's transparently false, and hideously stupid? Because it demonstrates his moral cretinism, and that of his remaining supporters?

Please. That's all that's keeping that last 26% of retards going at this point, is schtick pulled straight out his ass. Being caught in a flat-out falsehood has never embarrassed him or them before; why the hell would it now? Words mean what they want them to mean.

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