Thursday, July 12, 2007

Po' Boy

I agree. I don't think anyone in the hardworkin' blue-collar medianistas should take John Edwards' invocations against American poverty seriously until Edwards cancels his family's health insurance and moves them out to a cardboard box on the fucking sidewalk.

I still want to know exactly what all the other candidates and reporters are paying for their haircuts. I doubt it's close to 400 bucks, but it might at least be enough so that they get the damned point, that they are indulging in bullshit navel-gazing, when they could be doing something useful. Are there this many whinging plaints about Fred Thompson's years as a lobbyist, renting a goddamned truck to condemn his opponent for supposedly never having ridden in one, or are we getting jerked off yet again by lazy motherfuckers with too much access to opinion-mongering?


  1. are we getting jerked off yet again by lazy motherfuckers with too much access to opinion-mongering?

    yes. [/SATSQ]

  2. Well, yeah. If Edwards (and Gore) retired to the woods, Ted Kaczynski-style, for several months, subsisting on roots, berries, and the occasional fat grub, you know the pundits would recognize their moral purity when they returned to tv, scraggly lice-ridden beards and all, to take up their causes again.

    Wouldn't they?

    Ha ha! I kid, of course. You'd think people could start to learn to analyze a message irrespective of the messenger, and maybe even get past this ridiculous notion that no one short of an angel descended from on high is fit to tell us anything (and even an angel would probably look too faggy, you know).

    (I'm retiring the nom de net John Lenin, btw. Out with the old, in with the new.)
