Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Scooter Effect

Per usual, Digby makes a great point -- it would be hilarious if Fredo's little commuter gambit not only backfired through the law-enforcement apparatus, but actually helped Don Siegelman out. Seems like Rove went to a hell of a lot of trouble to get Siegelman, and to have that sentence lessened because of their machinations for Scooter, would just be too precious.

It may take a while to show, primarily because of the dog days of summer, but I think the cost-benefit analysis on the Libby commutation is going to end up making sense if and only if both Cheney and Bush were into this up to their eyeballs. If Bush's political capital wasn't exhausted after the failure of immigration "reform", it is certainly squandered now. And in an extended campaign season, the repercussions will boom loud and long, despite the usual media tools' best efforts to help the 'tards with the "Clenis did it toooo!!1!1!" trope.

Because conservatards are still(!) obsessed with the Clenis, they no doubt figure Bush can be rehabilitated somewhere down the line. Good luck with that; if you guys want to expend valuable energy trying to convince Mister Man to do something other than mosey back to the tumbleweed farm and hit a bottomless bottle of Maker's Mark, go for it. Build that half-billion propaganda tomb at SMU, if it gets your tiny dick-like appendages hard. Please, please waste your money and time trying to make this clown look like anything other than exactly what he always was -- a petty, impotent dupe with the soul of a mafia don, awash in the blood of countless innocents.

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