Friday, August 03, 2007

The Carpet Crawl

Froomkin mentions the latest round of choir-preachin' Himself has engaged to show the kids how optimistic delusional he is. There's nothing new here; it's like hearing a crappy song on the radio again (do people still listen to radio stations, and if so, why?), well after it was time to move it off heavy rotation.

"[Bush] spoke very eloquently about Good vs. Evil and even brought the story back to the rug, which was designed with only this Presidential input -- to let it reflect light so as to influence his decision making. Light as in good vs. darkness as in evil."

Good grief, does this guy ever stop yammering about the stupid fuckin' rug? Okay, we get it, it's yellow 'cause no matter what happens, yer a sunny optimist. Jesus, I think the slow kids in the back caught that one by this time. I lawn-darted my country and screwed up the world, but this rug makes me feel better about it. Says it all right there.

Hennen continues: "If every American could have the opportunity I did today -- to sit with the President of the United States and hear him firsthand describe his resolve to win in Iraq and around the world, we would have a very different situation with public opinion. . . ."

That so? Then why, pray tell, do only reliable conservatard stenographers get invited to these little chats? Huh? Hm? If it's that cut and dried, if all it would take to convince "every American" of the rightness of Bush's thoughts and policies, then why get the message out in this fashion?

Well, duh. It's because every time Bush does take his arguments public -- and he does, with regularity -- it convinces nobody. His poll ratings continue to stagnate or drop. The mission here is clearly not to persuade or convince, it's to evangelize, to affirm, and it's impossible not to figure these toadies realize that. But they're like the proverbial pimple on Marilyn Monroe's ass -- just happy to be in showbiz.

"His descriptions of the enemy and their brutal, cold-blooded-killer tactics were enough to make a graying group of radio talk how hosts want to enlist and serve this country in uniform."

Well, almost enough, heh. Perhaps enough to yank their kids out of college and send them? Yeah, right. Besides, this humanoid banana hammock bravely claims to be fulfilling his mission just fine from his stateside laptop, as a rhetorical turret-gunner/surfer for warporn.

These idiots can barely continue to fool themselves at this point; it's either sheer delusion or the professional ethics of a back-alley crack-whore that enables them to even act like they think anyone else is itching to buy their rancid kool-aid. It's just a sordid continuation of the same feedback loop.

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