Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Policy Wonks

Congressional Rhodes scholar Ginny Brown-Waite (R-Cracker) has coined a concise, apt phrase to encapsulate our aspirations, hopes, goals, dreams, and reasons for dumping countless lives and a half-trillion dollars down a bottomless pit:

In the South, we have a wonderful saying and it goes like this: Get ‘er done. Our soldiers want to get it done and come home, and our President wants the same thing, and this Congress should demand the exact same thing. Let’s get out there and get ‘er done.

Waite then scratched herself and ateempted to belch the national anthem, finally stopping at "rockets' red glare", and then went to "take the Browns to the Super Bowl", as future Secretary of State Larry T. Cable-Guy poetically puts it.

You gotta admit, it's a damned sight better than current policy, which boils down to "Who farted?".

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