Saturday, August 25, 2007

Weakly Whirled Nuge

When microphones are outlawed, only retards will have microphones. Something like that. I'm not a Second Amendment absolutist -- I tend to draw the line at assault weapons, and cultural spasms like the Virginia Tech massacre certainly highlight the need for more rigorous background checking, but Jesus Christ, Ted Nugent's an idiot. Every time he opens his piehole, he simply makes his opposition look so much better, and merely reinforces the galoot factor that informs the slobbery "opinions" that fester between his ears. Frankly, I'm kinda sad at this point that Nuge has never drunk alcohol nor taken drugs. At least then he'd have an excuse for the endlessly flowing river of canned-hunt rhetoric.

It's damn near impossible to just crank up Great White Buffalo or Wang Dang Sweet Poontang anymore, for the sheer joy of its primal energy, without it being contaminated by Nugent's toxic buffoonery. He shoulda just stuck to singing the praises of pussy, rather than praising a bunch of ideological pussies.


  1. The Constitution, that noble piece of paper, ensures every American has the right to a nuclear weapon. Outlaw nuclear weapons, and only criminals will have nuclear weapons.

  2. Ha. Point taken. Of course, the 2nd Amendment's original intent, to allow citizens to at least attempt to protect themselves from the predations of corrupt and incompetent governments, has been thoroughly abridged anyway -- not by Hitlery and Obomba, but by a complaisant media and lazy Americans themselves. The Man doesn't need to pry your cold, dead hands from your gun in the first place, if you're endlessly distracted by stupid shit.

  3. God, how I wish that fuckwipe would be impaled and sodomized by a rabid buck.

    I remember how he couldn't even wait for the bodies of Kurt Cobain and Dimebag Darrell to cool before taking the opportunity to trashtalk them as representatives of the decadent, drug-addled side of music/society that he opposes. Maybe he would have liked them better if they had gotten themselves declared the legal guardians of underage girls in order to have sex with them, the way he did.

  4. This Blogger thingie doesn't accept trackbacks, does it?

  5. Ron, I don't think does any of that trackback or ping stuff. I honestly haven't really taken the time to learn how to use that crap anyway.

  6. They don't make it free for nothin', I guess. Blog-City pings never make it to their intended destination. However, I have a new Wordpress blog also free, and it pings very nicely., I caught Ted's antics this morning.

  7. Devil Zone:

    Horrifically, it looks like that "Uncle Ted" stunt Nuge pulled with that 17-year-old is one of the least offensive things he's done over the years, and the older he gets the loonier he becomes.

    And the Dimebag smackdown is really unforgivable, the way Nugent conveniently ignored the, um, gun-control issues inherent in Dime's demise, and instead used the tragedy as a platform for his straight-livin' bullshit.

    I'd like to see one of his target animals get the best of him, but it'd be even more fun to get him fucked up. Maybe knock him out, douse him in cheap whiskey and dump him in an alley with his shorts on backwards on a pile of dope and used needles, with no idea what the hell happened.

    He's a fucking piece of shit, as toxic a presence on the American political landscape as that she-beast Coulter.

  8. Did you catch my link about him getting blown by Courtney Love when she was 12? Wonder if it's true. He does seem to enjoy playing on fresh grass, so I wouldn't be surprised...
