Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Master Debaters

Edroso watches the turd-burglar-fest so the rest of us poor saps don't have to, which should entitle him to hazard pay. Read the whole thing and enjoy the bunch of carnies and goons that is the cream of the Republican crop these days. Real step forward from the current gibbering buffoon, "playing" for another couple months so that one of these reprobates has some political cover for extending the misery of a wronged well as Iraq.

I still don't get the appeal of Ron Paul, and the few times I have seen Huckabee he comes across as more of an unctuous stooge than anything truly sinister. But Roy's right, even the husk of Saint John McCain generates a lot more respect than creepy dickheads like Hunter and Tancredo, even if said respect is tinged with more than a little pity and head-shaking.

(And really, what sort of maladjusted, med-shorted freeper putz is seriously looking to waste their vote on douche-nozzles like Hunter or Tancredo? Come on. The people for whom those clowns truly speak are unlikely to venture in from their Mojave crank labs, and risk running into The Man at the Indio voting precinct.)

Republicans are more prone to vote for people whom they feel embody the traits they think they see in themselves, which generally distills to something along the line of "amiable doofus". So I think Romney, who is the most blandly amiable, stands for practically nothing, and happens to have the added advantages of telegenic appearance and a shitload of money, is still at the wheel of this here clown car. Huckabee may be reaching over and messing with the e-brake, and Lonesome Rhodes is about to wrestle Willard for the wheel for most of this month, but Romney is the most-moneyed, least-obnoxious contestant in a loser's field, and that's good enough for what's left of the Party O' Gawd.

Special mention must be made of Roy's withering broadside at America's Mayor, for whom it seems that this honeymoon, like his many other ones, is pretty much over:

Someone obviously told [Giuliani] the jig is up about 9/11 -- now he brags endlessly about what a prick he was running New York. Listen close, death's-head whorefucker: no one in Bumfuck -- and, you know, all America is Bumfuck -- gives a good goddamn.


Kathryn J. Lopez seems to think the New Hampshire crowd's obvious disgust with the malignant Giuliani is a baseball thing. Okay, K-Lo, have it your way: fuck the New York Yankees, fuck Rudolph Giuliani, and fuck you.

"Death's-head whorefucker". Awesome.

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