Sunday, September 09, 2007

A Riddle, Crapped In an Enigma

This is the dynamic for the duration -- having to explain shit to people who have abandoned even the pretense of honest assessment or debate.

The only mystery here is how long the people's representatives -- and in turn -- the people themselves -- will continue to put up with liars and cheats telling them to get bent. Until it affects them directly, I'm guessing. And by then it's usually too late. But the very act of getting people to expend energy on this kabuki is the real goal, to keep them distracted and enervated while the authors of history continue to do exactly what the fuck they feel like. We're all just grabbing brooms, trying to sweep back a veritable ocean of deceit and ineptitude.

This is Chimpco's world, bub. We all just live in it.

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