Thursday, October 11, 2007

Feeding the Trolls

It seems pretty simple to me, but then I am but a simple man: if you really don't want vile things to be said on your teevee show, then stop inviting vile people on. Is that really so complicated?

Apparently it is for Donny Deutsch, whoever the hell he is. On the off chance you recognize him, maybe slap some sense into him.

Deutsch told Adweek magazine that he had invited Coulter on to discuss her "brand strategy" but that the topic drifted into politics. After Deutsch was offended by Coulter's remarks, he said, "I think she got frightened that maybe she had crossed a line, that this was maybe a faux pas of great proportions."

Seriously, Donny? Do we take the short bus to work or something? Being obnoxious and offensive is her "brand strategy", dipshit. This is not exactly a secret. Crossing lines is pretty much all she does, besides rewriting the same plagiarized tripe over and over again (which at least saves the trouble of explaining the premise). She plays the role of the oh-so-naughty id of her knuckle-dragging fans to the hilt, voicing their darkest impulses, like an emaciated horse with Tourette's blurting out a well-worn Polack joke, culminating in a stupid shit-eating grin like it's grade-A fresh material.

She takes this cheesy sideshow around like clockwork, the same circuit of the same media assholes -- who, given the incestuous nature of media in the first place, are frequently either owned or "partnered" with the conglomerate that owns her publisher. Lather, rinse, repeat. So she finally got around to Jews. Hey, it was bound to happen eventually.

And they go through this song and dance every time like it's the first, acting "shocked" that she said something "controversial", thus ginning up a fake "controversy" for the retard claque who only buy books when there's a contrived scandal attached to it. Yeah, the "topic" "drifted" into politics.

Imagine that. You bring on Ann Coulter -- who, coincidentally, has written yet another nominally political book, indistinguishable from her last dozen or so political books and years of political columns and appearances on political talk shows -- to discuss brand strategy and the whole thing goes sideways into politics, right out of the blue. Holy fucking shit, how did that happen?

Reminds me of the time I struck up a conversation with Jenna Jameson about history and economics, but for some reason she just kept talking about three-ways and ass-fucking and taking countless wads of monkey-chowder in her face. Just weird, is all I'm saying. Jesus H. Christ.

Seabiscuit Coulter at least makes no pretense about what sort of beast she is. The real trolls are the Donny Deutsches and Matt Lauers of the Serious Media scene, who pull this disingenuous horseshit every fucking time, like they're high-minded journamalists or something.

Sad to say, I'm starting to have a sliver less sheer disgust with Coulter, than with the puling media humps who continue to help her push her two-ply screeds. If you can't beat 'em, fuck 'em.

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