Thursday, November 08, 2007

Oops, I Did It Again

I actually kinda feel bad for Britney's mom, believe it or not. It's gotta be difficult to just sit and watch a very public, slow-motion train wreck, and trying to figure out what your own responsibility in it all is. Knowing that your kid is a short step from holding up liquor stores and/or getting a sex tape leaked just adds to it.

Still, I couldn't help but laugh at the very last bit.

Lynne, who is currently working on a revealing book about parenthood, says the tome will have a spiritual side.

She explained: "I am working on a parenting book that is going to have faith elements to it."

I'm not sure what's funnier, that Britney Spears' mom thinks that she should write a parenting book with "faith elements" to it, or that people will actually buy it, because their favorite pastime is rubbernecking.

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