Saturday, November 03, 2007

Stuffing the Box

Okay, so who do ya gotta fuck to get nominated for these things anyway? I mean seriously, the Ole Perfesser for Best Individual Blogger? Malkin and Special Ed and fucking ClownHall in the running for Best Blog? What, no PowerLine? Shortest Bus, sure, but Best Blog? Must be a practical joke.

Feh. Whatever. Write in someone from the blogroll there on the right, or me, or no one at all. (Or, you know, me. Validate me, damn youse!)

1 comment:

  1. Try hanging out and gossiping in the Eschaton threads for a few months. If you can come out of that without being a gibbering madman, well, that will be sorta like a special reward in its own right.

    Maybe you should quit using so many big words. Big words make head hurt! Make want to SMASH!
