Saturday, November 24, 2007

Suite: Rudy Blue Lies

Here we go again:

As he seeks to court GOP primary voters, one potential sticking point has been his opposition to the Vietnam War in the early 1970s and his vote for Dem George McGovern in 1972. But Rudy has now concocted a new explanation for that vote: He didn't mean it.


The article also delves into Rudy's switch to the GOP, which came in 1980. In the piece Rudy seems to suggest that this was driven partly by his discontent with Dems on foreign policy. But as the Standard article accurately points out, Rudy's switch to the GOP neatly coincided with his desire to get a political appointment from the newly-minted Reagan administration.

So why is it that Romney is the official empty-suit flip-flop candidate in this? Giuliani sucks at least as bad; he'd repudiate the town he visited earlier any given day, if he thought there'd be just a couple extra votes in it. By the time he's done he'll have cobbled together the douchebaggiest niches in the American electorate, people who stand for nothing whatsoever themselves. It makes perfect sense that they'd throw their lot with this shameless creep.

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