Monday, December 24, 2007

Hope In Their Souls

Thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster for Mike Huckabee, seriously. That muffled-pop sound you keep hearing is heads exploding from the cynical megachurch wing, now that they are confronted with an actual believer in their midst. It's not just something he says to get the extra-chromosome bloc going, so the playas in what's left of the conservatard intelligentsia are completely baffled by it.

"Playing the Jesus card." Motherfuckers, you've been dealing from the bottom of the Jesus deck for the last generation. Payback's a bitch, innit? What makes this even sweeter is that the official Short Bus Shepherd, Marion Robertson, has already given his imprimatur to Giuliani, who is about to get swallowed up in his own creepy extra-curricular doings (not to mention his Giuliani Partners clients/activities).

That leaves Dobson, the redneck pope. Does he cast his lot with the apparently sincere but completely unelectable Huckabee, the cultist corporate mannequin Romney, or does he instruct his monions to keep their powder dry, thus ensuring a GOP smackdown and giving his own bloc more power for a Jeb! run in '12? Whichever way it rolls, it is too sweet to see users have their pet tiger bite them finally. They figured two Supreme Court justices would be enough to placate the fundies, and if the fundies were rational, that would have been sufficient.

But now Wehner and the rest of the nozzles of douche are starting to figure out something some of us realized long ago -- these people want a 9-0 majority in the judiciary, they want more, ever more of their termites infesting the bureaucracy, they do not believe they should have to compromise on any of these things. Believing you're divinely ordained and charged with a mission will do that to you. Guys like Robertson are easy; they've always just been in it for the money, therefore they can be bought off. But how do you solve a problem like Huckabee, who actually believes in something besides getting paid?

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