Saturday, December 29, 2007

Truthy Versus Facty

So let's see -- Huckabee does not know where Pakistan is, nor has he any clue as to what proportion of our illegal immigrant population Pakistanis constitute. Nor, it appears, does he have even a little bit of insight as to any realistic solutions in that part of the world. (Or hell, this part of the world.)

Which means he'll be a perfect nominee for his party; after all, the current occupant got in not knowing the difference between Slovenia and Slovakia (or Sweden and Switzerland, for that matter), and in fact did not even know Pervez Musharraf's name back in '99/early 2000.

The total, contemptuous disinterest this country's citizens and politicians hold the rest of the world in is creepily complemented by their tiresome insistence that only we can solve their problems for them. It is almost a perfect symbiosis of cognitive dissonance. We don't know shit about the problem, but we're the only ones who can be trusted to fix it, whatever it is.

America has a tiger by the tail in Pakistan. It would help if at least some of our decision-makers and would-bes knew a fucking thing about it, instead of me-tooing each other on how tough they all think they are.

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