Monday, December 10, 2007


I don't think that word means what Cillizza thinks it means. Still Cillizza manages to be useful in his uselessness, in showing exactly what's wrong with his "profession". Notice that never once does he address the substance of Russert's questions (because he apparently has a reserved parking space halfway up Fatboy's ass), nor Giuliani's dodgy answers.

All that matters to people like Cillizza is that Giuliani be somewhat artful in his evasions, as if that were reason enough to not just write this clown off once and for all as a skeevy little fuck who literally used the NYPD to walk his good-time girl's dog, and profited quite nicely from teh 9/11, thanks very much. It's all of a piece with Cillizza, anyway; I couldn't find a transcript, but last Tuesday he was on Olbermann beating his teeny meat to this stupid sort of horse-race coverage, never once appearing to consider that these are choices that will affect our lives. Panem et circenses, folks.

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