Monday, December 17, 2007

What the Huck

So far, I haven't seen or read anything regarding Huckabee that would explain his son's aberrant, sociopathic behavior. But I think Lambert makes a solid connection in comments there, noting the list of Republican candidates and associates who have been known to abuse and mistreat animals for fun and/or profit.

Correlation is not causation, but it's still associative, and it's still where most nutjobs start, until they get desensitized enough to move on to more dangerous game. The kid seems like another Billy Carter or Roger Clinton in the making, which is marginally better than becoming another Neil Bush, but still, he sounds like a fuckin' creep. And at least the presidential black-sheep brethren were merely garden-variety yahoos, not malevolent trolls killing dogs and packing heat on a plane.

And I wonder if this is the handiwork of Giuliani's oppo research, or Romney's. Smells more like Rudy, but it's hard to distinguish from his usual heady aroma of Aqua Velva, a Napoleon complex, and dried jism.

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