Monday, January 28, 2008

Moon Landing

Lacey Underall: My uncle says you've got a screw loose.
Ty Webb: Your uncle molests collies. -- Caddyshack

New Moonie pool boy John Solomon hits the ground running. Gee, didn't see that one coming. [emphasis in original]

Solomon's claim that "the blogs point to no factual errors" is also a dodge. The issue with Solomon isn't so much the botching of individual facts, but his artful arrangement of them to insinuate all sorts of wrongdoing that just never happened.

Indeed, it seems obvious that this is precisely why the [Moonie] Times hired him -- because he's very skilled at taking available facts, arranging them into hit pieces, and passing them off as real news.

Have fun with your new friends, Johnny. Make sure you ask around about Craig Spence.

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