Sunday, February 10, 2008

Deck Chair Shuffle

Despite having an advantage on superdelegates and party machinery, Hillary's campaign manager has been bounced:

Patti Solis Doyle has stepped down as Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s campaign manager, the campaign announced on Sunday.
She will be replaced by Maggie Williams, a senior adviser to the campaign.

That would be this Maggie Williams:

One Secret Service agent alleged that on the night of Vince Foster's suicide, he saw Williams leaving Foster's office with a box of files. Williams denied this, and passed two polygraph tests. She did say, though, that two days after Foster's death, she took some of the Clinton's personal files from his office.

Yeah. No oppo researcher on the planet is going to take this and run streaking through the stadium with it, until everyone recalls how they were so sick of mealy-mouthed caveats and bullshit defenses by the summer of 2000, they settled for an inbred moron over Al Gore.

I've been pretty even-handed in my qualified support for the Democratic candidates, in that I've stressed that even though I think the party as a whole is, well, a hole, even pussified capitulation squeaks ahead of belligerent insanity, which is all the Republicans have had to offer for many years. And I know that there has never been any moment in the history of time when the universe has given the poor Clintons a break, that they persevere into the headwinds of a media conspiracy, right-wing and otherwise.

Still, never let it be said that they don't consistently find ways to make even fence-sitters sick of them. Between this and the possibility of David Shuster getting fired (and hey, ya think Faux Noise isn't drawing up an offer for Shuster right now so's he can spend the entire summer lobbing far more vicious and personal attacks?), I'm already tired of them all over again.

As far as Solis' dismissal in and of itself is concerned, it bespeaks exactly what was apparent in the aftermath of Super Tuesday -- Hillary has peaked, but Obama has not yet. We'll see how Texas and Ohio go, as well as how Michigan and Florida's delegates are counted (after Hillary welshed on the handshake deal she had with Obama and Edwards in those two states), but I'd put money down that this could turn into a nasty intraparty squabble over the role of superdelegates in determining a nominee.

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