Sunday, February 03, 2008

Instant Karma

I was hoping to embed the Family Guy video of the song Shipoopi, where Peter, as a member of the Patriots, gets a bit overexuberant in his touchdown dance. YouTube has taken most of the Family Guy clips down over copyright issues, so the link will have to suffice.

The Giants got away with some stuff in the first half, but nothing game-changing. In the meantime, perhaps Messrs. Brady and Moss, et al, can consider this one payback for various past bullshit. The Tuck Rule, Moss playing when he wants to play and screwing the Raiders out of $15 mil, that sort of thing. (No ring for you, dickhead.)

Somewhere out there, Mercury Morris and Nick Buoniconti and the rest of the '72 Fins (perhaps the most overrated team ever) are getting 'faced and restocking the shelves for next year's party. Their time will come eventually, but for now, it was time to take the piss out of the Patsies.

Update: has the perfect shirt:

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