Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Bitter Baby Bubba

Gad, but I am beyond tired of these tedious excursions into the heart of Bubbaville, to churn through what can only charitably be described as autistic thought processes abetted by only marginal acquaintance with facts, not to mention relevance.

Richard Vallejo, 65, of Bristol, Pa., a typical working-class town, has voted Democratic all his life. But of Obama, Vallejo says: "He's prejudiced against white people. I'm in a small town and if I own a gun, it's not because I'm bitter. It is because of the Second Amendment, the right to bear arms."

Never mind that Obama's widely mischaracterized "bitter" comment had nothing to do with the Second Amendment, and indeed Obama must know that, not only is he strictly forbidden from even hinting at any opposition to it, but come October if he is still in the running, he will be required to show up for the usual Elmer Fudd hunting pictorials to prove his steadfast support of, I don't know, people drinking beer and blowing away birds.

(NB: I'm a big believer in the Second Amendment. I have fired all sorts of guns including assault rifles, and know responsible people who own them. Guns are fun and useful when responsibly used, and I don't think the world needs to be turned upside down because of criminals and miscreants. However, the endless wanking of the gun lobby veers between the utterly devotional and the oddly pansexual, and is thus hilarious.)

This next goob is even better:

In Indiana, the next stop on the primary trail on May 6, Brenda Spreitzer, 42, told a NEWSWEEK reporter at a Clinton rally: "I think Barack's viewpoints and his past is too flamboyant. It's more radical than I want to go … I'm just not comfortable," she said, adding that she is concerned about Obama's practice of generally not wearing an American flag pin. (None of the candidates wear flag pins.) She has been researching Obama on the Internet and discovered that he wants to tear out the bowling alley in the White House (Obama has kiddingly said he wants to replace it with a basketball court). "That freaked me out because no matter if he bowls or not, it's a historic thing that should never be changed."

There is so much that's flat-out wrong and stupid with this person that it hurts my teeth. First is her so-called "research" of Obama on teh intarnutz, which has apparently left her irate over the flag pin nobody wears, and Obama's joke (clearly meant to defuse the earlier stupidity over his poor bowling, versus his pretty decent basketball skills) about replacing the WH bowlong alley with a b-ball court. You dumb fucking dummy, if those are your priorities, then you deserve to go under, period.

I know that ignorant morons pay taxes too, and are thus entitled to elected representation, but there is a reasonable argument to be made for bringing back literacy tests and such. And maybe not giving these bozos so much media space and consideration. "Freaked out" over a "historic" bowling alley. If that's "real" America, we are well and truly done.

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