Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Is there some reason (besides, perhaps, his coziness with the telecoms) why Specter is running around like some caricature from Friday Night Lights or King of the Hill? What the hell is this guy's problem? Signal-stealing, if one must, is part of the game; why do you think coaches always have a hand or a laminate over their mouths as they call the next play?

The fact is that a team that has to win by such means is not going to be good enough to win big or consistently, and the Patriots, whatever else I may have ranted about them in the past, have had more going for them than any advantage that might be had by stealing signals or watching practice film (as opposed to, you know, game film, like every team does every week).

If Specter really wants to make himself useful and roll the Pats, he should call a hearing on the "tuck rule" game. That shit was wickety-wack. Failing that, there's gotta be literally a thousand better uses for his very expensive time.

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