Sunday, June 08, 2008

News You Can Lose

It occurs to me that, since the 'tards at Fux News will believe pretty much anything as long as it's wrapped in the right color bow, that maybe the best way to dilute their credibility is to just mass-bombard them with dozens, hundreds of Daily Show/Onion-style parodies in varying degrees of obviousness and ridiculousness.

Obama spotted entering a Des Moines Motel 6 love nest with Parker Posey, Kathy Bates, and an unidentified Filipina with a four-pack of wine coolers and a case of raging herpes? Sure. Hillary Clinton wipes ass with confederate flag at South Carolina rally? Why not? Al Franken's Playboy parodies turn out to be plagiarized from Ben Stein's old Penthouse columns? Run it up the flagpole; you know at least half these clowns are just dumb enough to salute it.

Between the half-hearted vetting and refuting of these nuggets, then running and eventually retracting at least some of them, it might interfere with their mission statement of making shit up and bamboozling their audience of self-selecting morons.

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